
communication obstacle中文是什么意思

  • 通信障碍



  • 例句与用法
  • Fig1 . some individuals coping with hi - tech products too long will have interpersonal communication obstacles , after my long observation
  • Due to cultural differences , communication obstacles even conflicts are unavoidable in multinational corporation management , which could be called multinational corporation syndrome
  • Through removing communication obstacle and providing structured decision analysis technology and systemic guide for content , time and pattern of group discussion , gdss can improve group decision procedure and increase efficiency and quality of group decision
    通过消除彼此的通讯障碍,提供结构化的决策分析技术以及系统的指导群体讨论的内容、时间和模式, gdss可以改进群体决策的过程,提高群体决策效率与质量。
  • The management of sino - foreign enterprise itself is cross - cultural administration . different cultural communication obstacles and conflicts exist everywhere in this big family . how to maintain local cultural advantage and character and absorb foreign cultural essence will be the survival way of joint venture and basic condition for the realization of joint - venture ' s strategic globalization
  • Then , considering five basic conditions of transaction , the paper concludes that there are six kinds of transaction obstacles : one party , valueless party , information communication obstacle , purchase obstacle , re - purchase obstacle and environment influence . next , the paper investigate the factors which influence transaction , including concept , technology , mind , strategy , market , competition , environment , time , service , and so on . finally , the paper gives solutions to obstacles , which are effective communication method , latent need satisfaction method , low risk method , low competition disturbance and emergence solution
  • The third chapter investigates the necessity of e - government implement . the implement of e - government may advance the reform of the organizational structure , solve the information communication obstacle of traditional pyramidal government , speed government structure brief , improve the level of government decision and image , reduce numeric gulf
  • 推荐英语阅读
communication obstacle的中文翻译,communication obstacle是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译communication obstacle,communication obstacle的中文意思,communication obstacle的中文communication obstacle in Chinesecommunication obstacle的中文communication obstacle怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
